Pistol Mag Loaders

BabyUpLULA® loader for single-stack pistol mags without a projecting side button, .22LR to .380ACP

The BabyUpLULA® loader is a smaller version of the UpLULA® pistol magazine loader.


p/n: UP64B (Black)

p/n: UP64P (Pink)



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    Durable reinforced polymer
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    Eliminates thumb pain & injury
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    Eliminates wear on feed lips
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    Lightweight & fit in pocket
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    Prolongs magazine life
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    Reliable in all weather
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    Simple to use
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    Super-fast unloading

Loads .22LR, .25, .32 and .380ACP cal. pistol mags of all manufacturers, being:

  • Single-stack & narrow-body of less than 1/2″ width of the magazine (including any side button)
  • Regular/moderate angle of lips (unlike Ruger’s MK series mags).


The BabyUpLULA® loader does so easily, reliably, and painlessly.


  • Highly durable.
  • No inserts, spacers, or adjustments.
  • Easy loading; the rounds drop in without fingers pushing or pressing them.
  • Up to one round per sec. loading rate. 1/3 the time of thumb-loading.
  • No more pain! Load hundreds of rounds painlessly.
  • Protects your fingers and mags.
  • Fits in hand and pocket, weighs 40 grams (1.41 Ounces).
  • Has a simple rounds’ unloader feature too.


 The BabyUpLULA® loader does NOT load the following magazines:

  • Wide-body mags.  > 1/2”, like Converted .22 mags. use 22UpLULA® loader
  • Mags with depth  > 1 1/8″  (1.125″, 29mm)
  • Mags with a projecting follower button, like Ruger MKI, MKII, MKIII. use V10-LULA™ X10-LULA™X12-LULA™  T12-LULA™.
  • Beretta 81 Cheetah .32ACP 12 round.
  • Henry AR-7 .22lr
  • Colt ACE .22LR
  • Glock 44
  • Glock 42 .380, use UpLULA® loader
  • Ruger LC380, use UpLULA® loader
  • Ruger Security .380, use UpLULA® loader
  • SIG P290 .380, use UpLULA® loader + preferably 1911AI® Aligner Insert.
  • Sig Sauer P365-380, use UpLULA® loader
  • Smith & Wesson M&P .380 Shield EZ, use UpLULA® loader.
  • Smith & Wesson Bodyguard 2.0 .380, use UpLULA® loader.
  • Walther CCP .380, use UpLULA® loader + preferably 1911AI® Aligner Insert.

Major USA Dealers for this product

Intellectual Property:

BabyUpLULA is a registered trademark of maglula U.S. #5,321,129

U.S. patents 7,637,048 & 7,503,138; Canada patent 2,604,965

3 reviews for BabyUpLULA® loader for single-stack pistol mags without a projecting side button, .22LR to .380ACP

  1. I’ve loaded several 9mm mags with the uplula and it worked seamlessly. Also, saved me from tearing the hide off my thumb.
    Recently purchased a Ruger Security 380 ( 10/15 round mags) and it functioned without any trouble.


  2. i have Parkinsons disease so hands are very weak but do not yet have the shakes so i can still enjoy shooting handguns, The BabyUpLULA is a godsend. works for my 9mm KAHR Single stack mags, my .380 Kimber, and even 9mm Makarov.


  3. I have one for my 9 mm I love it I could be at the range all day and load with it without hurting my fingers it’s very ergonomic very simple to use and is constructed with superb hardware I cannot find one for my 380 but I will keep on the hunt I will buy two if I can find them

    Scottie Wilson

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